If you are planning on purchasing a small pet
for your kids or family, and are looking for a pet that is cute, friendly and
fun, then you should consider a Sugar Glider.
gliders have become a popular exotic pet. They are small and relatively easy to
care for, and have a cute if not unusual appearance. As with any other exotic
pet , a potential owner should be aware of their care
requirements and personality before acquiring a sugar glider.

Natural History
Sugar Gliders are marsupials;
that is their young start life off in a pouch (like a kangaroo). They
originally hail from Australia, Indonesia and New Guinea, and live in forests.
Their name is derived from their diet (in part they feed on nectar and the sap
of eucalyptus), and from the flap of skin they have between their wrists and
ankles that allows them to glide between trees. They are omnivorous, meaning
they will eat plant material and meat - food in the wild include nectar, fruit,
insects and even small birds or rodents. They
live in social family units in the wild, a trait which makes them inclined to
bond well with their human family. However, if they are deprived of social
interaction they will not thrive (in fact they can become depressed to the
point where they may die).
Sugar gliders make endearing, playful, and entertaining pets. As mentioned
above they are very social, and ideally they should be kept in pairs or groups,
and in any case they should have a good deal of social interaction with their
owners. They are fairly clean and do not have complex housing requirements. In
addition, they tend to be fairly healthy (although it may be difficult to find
an experienced vet to treat them) and can live to be 12-14 years in captivity.
They do need a good amount of interaction (even if it is just riding around in
a pocket all day), and aren't great housetraining candidates. Their nails are
sharp and will scratch if they need to dig in while climbing or landing on you
(keep them well trimmed). They also have sharp teeth and though not aggressive,
will bite if they feel threatened or frightened. If not acquired tame and used
to being handled, it may take a great deal of time and patience to get them to
the point where they are cuddly.
As for housing, a cage of 24 by 24 inches, by 36 inches high is a good minimum
size for a pair. This is a minimum, though - bigger is better and for sugar
gliders the height is more valuable than floor space. The cage wire should be
no more than 1/2 inch wide, and horizontal cage bars allow climbing. The
interior of the cage should provide lots of interest with toys, and exercise
wheel, nest box and/or glider pouch. Branches, ropes and ladders provide lots
of opportunity for climbing and exercise.
If a sugar glider is not tame when acquired, time, patience, and gentle
frequent training
sessions will eventually allow bonding of the glider to its owner.
Gliders adore being near their owners, inside a shirt (hint wear two shirts and
let the glider hang out between them, or else their claws will tickle or
scratch!) or in a pocket. They will be lovely companions, who view you as an
equal. Sugar gliders do not respond at all to punishment or domination, so
treat them with respect, gentleness and understanding, and you will be rewarded
with a devoted companion!
Tips Before Purchasing
a Sugar Glider
Before making a purchase of a Sugar Glider,
always perform research on its nutritional requirements. For instance, there
are some Sugar Gliders that require extra dietary calcium to maintain optimum
health. Also, keep in mind that Sugar Gliders are nocturnal animals, which
means they remain active mostly at night. While Sugar Gliders themselves do not
make an inordinate level of noise when compared to other traditional household
pets, they are capable of making several sounds, including a barking sound
(similar to a Chihuahua), and a chattering sound (called crabbing) that is
similar to a locust. However, in most cases the only times a Glider will make
these noises for any sustained period of time are when they are either sick,
mistreated, or distressed.
Behavior Traits of
Sugar Gliders
The average life span of a Sugar Glider is
around 12 to 15 years. They are known for their sociable behavior. They are
active pets that love to jump, hover around and glide. Sugar Gliders need
special care and attention. They can't be left unattended, and the owner has to
give enough care and constant love and attention to this pet in order to keep
it healthy and hearty. Last but not the least, Sugar Gliders are wonderful pets
to keep and care for. They make good companions and tend to bond to their owner
in a short span of time. One can say that they are true fun to watch and play
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