Thursday, April 23, 2015

ANGKLUNG FOR THE WORLD: 20.000 Angklung Performance

23 April 2015, As part of the 60th anniversary of the Asian-African Conference (KAA) in Bandung, on this day I became a participant in the cultural event entitled Harmony of Angklung for The World. The event was held at the stadium this Siliwangi will break the world record because the angklung game involving at least 20,000 players.

The participants came from school students in Bandung ranging from elementary school (SD) to High School (SMA), arts groups, students, professionals, entrepreneurs, to citizens who voluntarily.

The event is scheduled to begin at 07.00 am. But the event delayed, so we just entered the stadium at 9:00, probably because too many participants who want to immediately enter the area. We were given free angklung, consumption and t-shirts. Here are the conditions when in the area, its pretty hot!

Songs will be sung varied, ranging from traditional songs, nationality, up to western song. More than 20,000 angklung reverberate in Siliwangi Stadium, Bandung in order to break the world record for the largest angklung ensemble. Mayor of Bandung Ridwan Kamil who received a charter from the World-Indonesian Record Museum.

The 20,000 figure is not arbitrary. Figures are difficult, coordination is also not easy. Tribune football field will be filled with flocks of angklung.

The existence of angklung as cultural heritage and is recognized by the UN agencies operating in the fields of Education and Culture was followed after a dagger, puppets, and batik first designated as world cultural heritage of Indonesia. We should be proud of the work of the original culture. Young children can also play angklung beautifully.

This is very encouraging. This proves that angklung is the property of Indonesia. And as a good Indonesian student, i am very proud. Bandung? JUARA! Indonesia? HEBAT!