Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Interview with Ms. Ai

At 1 p.m I and my friend, Irfani interviewed someone for doing our assignment. So, we went to Bazaar SMAN 3 Bandung to interview. We began with greeted and asked about the merchant's life. Her name is Mrs. Ai. She is 30 years old. We asked about her jobs now and she answered her job as a merchant of  beverage and pancake. Her husband's job is a parking man in Ciwalini Street. We asked why she choose that job, she answered because it was like what Nabi Muhammad SAW said according to Muslim religion. Trading was halall job. Oh my god, we thought that was a good  answer, because it connected to religion. We continued to ask about her omzet from beverage and pancake, she said if that  Uncertain, the merchant sometimes got much  or less. We asked her again whether that has been fulfilled her  life or no, she said that human have never satisfied, so she  just feel grateful about it. Wow that was the wise answer. Next we said if we almost everyday looked her always bring your daughter on her job and we asked if that disturb her jobs or not, she said No, because the mother is better to  be a housewife . So,it doesn't disturb her. In the private sector she can not bring the child to work. In here she can do so, thank God here . Besides that the students here are so happy to keep and play with her daughter. So she is very grateful. We think she is the good mother, the good wife. She is the hero, she never complain about herself. So why we always complain about our self? she can do her self why we aren't? Change your self to be better than before.

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